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15 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Be Ignoring Bunk Bed With Double Bed
Buying a Double Size Bunk Bed

A bunk bed adds both aesthetics and practicality to a bedroom. It's a great option for siblings who share the bedroom or for teens who wish to invite their friends over.

When you are looking for a double-sized bunk bed, consider the room's ceiling height and if you'd like the bottom to be equipped with an extra guest trundle. Also, look for a ladder or steps that are wide enough for smaller children and teenagers to climb easily.


There are plenty of options for those who are considering purchasing bunk beds. There are many options such as twin over twin or twin over full or even triple bunk beds. These beds can be used by two or more persons. This lets you maximize your bedroom space while ensuring the safety and ease. Bunk beds can also be separated into two separate twin mattresses, if needed. This lets you reuse your bunk bed in the future, should your children no longer require it or you wish to save money on new headboards and foundations.

When choosing a mattress for your bunk bed, you need to keep in mind that the dimensions of your bunk will determine what kind of mattress is the best. You can choose a standard twin mattress for your top bunk or opt for a twin XL, which is 5 inches longer than standard twin mattresses. This is the ideal option for teenagers, since it provides extra length for more taller sleepers. You can also choose a futon-style bunk, which features a pull-out couch at the bottom of the frame and gives more space to sleep for teens or adults.

You should also consider the dimensions of your bunk beds. If you buy mattresses that are too high, you could end up hitting your head against the ceiling when you lie down. In general, there should be between six to eight inches the mattress and the upper guard rail, so that people can comfortably lie down in bed.

Depending on the size of your bedroom You may also want to think about the height of the bunk bed ladder. You can purchase staircase-style or angled ladders for bunk beds. Staircase ladders take up more space but they are also safer than straight ladders. Bunk bed ladders are available in a variety of sizes and heights. This is beneficial for families with children who are growing and require changing rooms.

Some bunk beds are designed to be separated into separate lofted beds which can free up more floor space for a dresser, desk or even toys. This is a great solution for teenagers or older children who don't wish to share a space.


Double bunk beds are available in various materials. Solid wood is the strongest and most durable option, while metal is more affordable and a good choice for budget-conscious buyers. Bunk beds can also be constructed out of engineered wood or particleboard, but these materials are not as sturdy as solid wood, and they can emit Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) that can cause allergic, respiratory or immune-related effects on children.

The height of the top bunk is another important factor to take into consideration when choosing a bunk bed. A bed that is too tall can cause people to fall from the top bunk or even hit their head on the rails. Typically the bunk bed should be no higher than six feet from the floor.

For a modern look this bunk bed with trundle pullout has sleek lines and a timeless aesthetic. The sleek frame can be placed in the corner of the children's bedroom. The space below can be used as study space with desk or as a calming retreat complete with plush throw cushions and a striking comforter. The stylish bunk bed has been crafted using kiln dried pine wood and durable engineered wooden to ensure durability and strength. The bed is finished by hand with the color you prefer either white or seadrift. The bed's clean, modern lines are complemented by polished nickel or oil rubbed bronze hardware.

These bunks are great for children who have outgrown their child or toddler's bed but are too tall to fit into the standard twin beds. They are also ideal for adults who want to share a bedroom with a younger sibling or an undergraduate student living in a tiny apartment. This twin over full bunk bed has a ladder and two under-bed storage drawers that are useful for storing bedding and clothing.

This bunk bed does not require foundation or box spring unlike traditional bunk beds. Instead the beds are placed on the top of each other and can be used to accommodate the traditional or memory foam mattress. Although memory foam mattresses are known for their comfort, they can be more expensive than innerspring or coil mattresses.


Bunk beds are an excellent option for kids who share a room. They can provide more sleeping space while not taking up floor space. Bunk beds are available in a variety of designs and configurations. Many come with extra features such as tables with built-in stairs, and trundles. You can find pre-made beds in most major furniture stores. However, you can build your own bunk bed that will fit the dimensions and style of your room.

When deciding on a loft bed, you should think about the dimensions of your space and the height of the ceiling. A bigger room will be able to accommodate a larger mattress, while smaller rooms will require twin mattresses to ensure that they do not crowd the space. Additionally, you should ensure that your children's heads do not be struck by the ceiling when they sleep on the top bunk.

A basic bunk bed can be constructed using two twin-sized mattresses, and some variants feature full-size mattresses on the bottom and a twin on the top. These bunk beds are great for older children or siblings who share one room. These bunks are ideal for small bedrooms as they make room to accommodate other furniture items such as dressers, desks, and toy boxes.

Other kinds of bunk beds include loft beds, which can be used as a playroom or office and also double as a bed when guests visit. These beds can be found in different designs, from classic to contemporary, and are typically constructed with solid wood construction. Some even come with built-in shelves for books or other accessories.

Another type of bunk bed is the double bunk with an L-shaped design that provides more privacy for sleeping and can be configured with a variety of styles to suit any bedroom. It's also very secure since it has an integrated desk and staircase with safety guardrails. This makes it an ideal choice for siblings that need to do their homework or other activities in bed.

If you have a bigger budget, you can go for a double over queen-size bunk bed that has an inbuilt staircase and Trundle. This bunk bed has more storage space and can accommodate more guests than a standard bed. Its large design is perfect for teenagers and can be adapted to match any decor or finish.


Although bunk bed injuries may occur, they are usually caused by the way that children use the beds and not by the design or structure. Bunk beds are safe for children of all ages as long as they adhere to the basic safety guidelines.

Before www.bunkbedsstore.uk assemble your bunk bed, you must decide where you'll place it and measure the dimensions of the room. This will allow you to determine if the bed is going to fit and if there's enough space to sleep or play. Be sure to check the ceiling's height to avoid placing the bunk beds in ceiling fans or lights.

Follow the directions that are provided by the manufacturer when assembling your bunk beds. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer when assembling your. This will ensure that all the components are correctly positioned and your bunk bed is sturdy. Replace any worn or damaged components. Make sure that the ladders on the bunk beds are secured and can support the weight of your child and any guests who might be sleeping over.

Teach your children the rules regarding bunk bed use. For instance, the top bunk is for sleeping only and shouldn't be used to play games or jump. Similarly, the ladder should be secured to the bunk and should not be placed near any furniture or toys that could entice children to climb over it. Additionally, children should be taught to climb up and down the ladder slowly and cautiously.

When making your bunk bed think about using a ladder that attaches to the bed's side instead of one that runs beneath it. This will decrease the chance of falling down or getting caught in clothing or bedding. Also, think about installing an evening lighting in the room next to the bunk bed. This will help your children feel more secure climbing into and out of bed at night.

It's an excellent idea to check the spaces and openings on the guardrails and the mattress's foundations before you allow your kids to sleep there. Ideally, these should not be more than 5 inches wide and not be placed in the areas where children's heads could be struck when they sit upright in the upper bunk.

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